The Trauma Tool-Kit has been created by us by combining our knowledge of our physical and mental health to create the ultimate tool-kit that will serve you for the rest of your life. This toolkit can be used again and again for the rest of your life, with the techniques that you learn from this course will allow you to help your friends and family in ways you couldn't even imagine. What’s included? 90 Days of training that will last you a lifetime. 2 hour sessions a week The trauma toolkit, phase 1, 2 & 3 The wellness workbook Online community of people dealing with all kinda of different problems, create new friendships and ask questions with people suffering from similar problems. This is accessed through our facebook group and our mobile app, they get access to both. Access to monthly online classes and seminars hosted by a variety of fitness and mental health professionals.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app