“Multiple studies worldwide have shown a dose-response relationship between traumatic events in childhood, such as abuse, neglect, or a dysfunctional home, and later development of chronic pain.”
I have personal experience with this, I have personally suffered negative childhood trauma and debilitating onset adult pain to the point I was not able to walk. I had over 1000£ on a private hospital for them to x-ray my areas of pain and my spine, for them to tell me there was no physical ailments. This lead me to trauma therapy where I re-discovered and re-lived my adverse childhood experiences. Upon learning this all my ailments started to disapate, the more I accepted what had happened and the more I remembered about what happened the less pain I felt and the more I was able to do on a day to day basis. My appetite increased, my activity level increased my mood improved and I was able to return to work.
I had absolutely 0 idea about what was causing my pain and I had to spend a lot of time and mental capacity in order to fix what was wrong with me and when you get started it is hard, you learn a lot about yourself, you have to be prepared to change and accept help In order to process this very horrible information.
My personal experience was extremely challenging to the point I nearly took my own life. However, in the same breath I will say that I was the singular best experience of my life. Finding out why I acted the way I did (and for so long) at such a young age and this is important for you parents as well if your child is acting up in severe ways it might be a good idea to look at what is going on in their lives, there are so many different kinds of abuse it isn't just sexual. Physical, mental, sexual, financial, web abuse and so many more could have an adverse affect on any child. For me I was very violent towards my parents and that was because I knew at the age of 3 that they were not protecting me in the way that they should because they were sending me to the abuser however due to the corrosive control of the abuser (which was a close family member at a time) and they led me to believe (because I was so young) that they were the ones who were in the wrong rather than the abuser.
How Children react to different traumas, Stress & Anxiety
Adults get these conditions however we as a species have come to the conclusion that when your an adult you “just get on with it” or “grow out of it” and most people don’t, what tends to happen is you bury these emotions and feelings, then in 5-10-15-20 (however many it takes) years the memories might come back around by a method called “regressing” and by this I mean that something has triggered these emotion and feelings, it could be something as insignificant as a smell or a certain noise but to you and what you associate that with could lead you to remember these horrific child hood experiences without the need for any help. (this is common however generally people then think “Oh I remember and its ok so I don’t need to know any more” this can then sometimes be more damaging because you put your trauma on to your family member and those around them, chances are if you have had a negative childhood experience your brother / sister, mother or father might have been abused them selves that they cant rememberer or they might have been the abuser themselves.
Abuse can come from the closest relatives
Nobody wants to think that a close, trusted family member, relative or close friend could abuse a child in anyway shape or form however 9/10 this is the case. This was the case for me. This can cause a lot of family issues of course and this is why it is often “brushed under the rug” or not delt with properly as they want to get away with it. Don t let them. However hard it may be you must go to the authorities about any possible child abuse, recent or historic. When I contacted the police it was around 14 years after it happened, and they were still hopeful about legal action.
Children have fantastic methods of dealing with trauma and negative experiences extremely well and they do this in a few different methods, they lock of these memories in a certain part of the brain so that they are not easily accessible to the rest of the body so that it doesn’t effect us day to day, however it does in different ways. These memories and emnotions can build up deadly dieseases and cancers throughout the body which can be debilitating or possibly even deadly. The research to support this is out there its however it is not profitable, you cant make a pill to fix childhood trauma therefore it is not common knowledge. The best and only way you can fix these kinds of traumas is to go through trauma therapy and dive into your subconcious to find what a previous version of yourself burried.
Regression. Many children need to return to an earlier stage where they felt safer. Younger children may wet the bed or want a bottle; older children may fear being alone. It’s important to be understanding, patient and comforting if your child responds this way.
Thinking the event is their fault. Children younger than 8 tend to think that if something goes wrong, it must be their fault. Be sure your child understands that he or she did not cause the event.
Sleep disorders. Some children have difficulty falling asleep; others wake frequently or have troubling dreams. Give your child a stuffed animal, soft blanket, or flashlight to take to bed. Try spending extra time together in the evening, doing quiet activities or reading. Be patient. It may take a while before your child can sleep through the night again.
Feeling helpless. Being active in a campaign to prevent an event from happening again, writing thank you letters to people who have helped, and caring for others can bring a sense of hope and control to everyone in the family.